Othello William Shakespeare MCQ ।। Class Eleven English First Semester

Othello William Shakespeare MCQ ।। Class Eleven English First Semester

শিক্ষালয় ওয়েবসাইটের পক্ষ থেকে একাদশ শ্রেণির শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য একাদশ শ্রেণি প্রথম সেমিস্টার ইংরাজি বিষয় থেকে Othello William Shakespeare MCQ ।। Class Eleven English First Semester প্রদান করা হলো। শিক্ষার্থীরা এই Othello William Shakespeare MCQ ।। Class Eleven English First Semester পাঠ করে নিম্নে প্রদান করা MCQ প্রশ্নের লিঙ্ক থেকে তাদের একাদশ শ্রেণি প্রথম সেমিস্টার ইংরাজি পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি গ্রহণ করতে পারবে। 

শিক্ষালয় ওয়েবসাইটের সকল প্রকার আপডেট লাভ করতে মোবাইল স্ক্রিনের বা’দিকের নিম্নের অংশে থাকা বেল আইকনটিতে (🔔) টাচ করে শিক্ষালয় ওয়েবসাইটের নোটিফিকেশন অন করে রাখুন।

Othello William Shakespeare MCQ ।। Class Eleven English First Semester :

1) ‘Othello’ is- tragedy 

2) Who was writer of the story ‘Othello’ – Shakespeare

3) Othello was a – moor

4) Who was Brabantio – Senator of Venice

5) Iago was – Emilia’s husband

6) Desdemona was – the daughter of Othello

7) Desdemona loved to hear Othello tell the story of his – the Moors

8) What were the strange things that were included in Othello’s narration – the quarries the rock and lofty mountains

9) What did Desdemona give Othello on hearing the story of his suffering – consoled him

10) When Desdemona heard of some distressful incidents that Othello had suffered – she shed tears

11) Desdemona chose Othello as her lover because – of his mainly attitude and pleasant personality

12) Desdemona married – Othello

13) The marriage of Othello and Desdemona was carried out – secretly

14) On hearing the story of suffering of Othello, Desdemona emphatically said that it was – pitiful strange and wondrous pitiful

Othello married Desdemona – privately

15) The cannibals are – man-eaters

16) Brabantio and the senate believed that – Othello had won Desdemona by witchcraft

17) Othello had risen to the rank of – General

18) Othello’s complexion was – black

19) Othello was summoned to the court for the charge brought by – Brabantio

20) The trunks were preparing themselves to recapture – the island of Cyprus

21) Othello’s most confident friend was – Cassio

22) Desdemona said in preferring her husband Othello she had followed her – mother

23) No sooner Othello landed in Cyprus, than news arrived that a violent tempest had dispersed the – Turkish fleet

24) Othello married Desdemona without the consent of – Desdemona’s father

25) Iago suspected. Othello was too fond of – his wife

26) Who was offended by Cassio’s promotion – Iago

27) Brabantio was deceived by – Desdemona

28) Brabantio put his accusation with – outrageous manner

29) Why had the state of Venice immediately needed Othello’s service – to resist the Turks

30) To whom did Desdemona say she had a higher duty than to her father – husband

31) The news of arrival of Othello and Desdemona and the dispersion of enemy’s fleet made a short of holiday in – Cyprus

32) Being two much ashamed, Cassio did not reply to Othello’s question and cunning Iago related the incident to Othello – artfully accusing Cassio

33) The chief judge was – the Duke

34) The statement of Othello was confirmed by – Desdemona herself

35) Desdemona regarded the more than appearance and complexion of man – heart

36) When Othello and his lady landed in Cyprus – a tempest had dispersed the Turkish fleet

37) Othello promoted Cassio to the post of – General

38) Iago told Cassio that Desdemona was Othello’s – adviser

39) What was the witchcraft used by Othello – the faculty of telling soft tale

40) Cassio’s promotion caused Iago’s – jealousy

41) The Turkish fleet retreated because of – a tempest

42) A seemingly good advice of Iago was actually given for – wicked purpose

43) What sort of person was Cassio – young handsome and eloquent

44) Othello promised Desdemona that he would – reinstate Cassio after some time

45) According to Iago, Cassio was the fittest person for – the company of ladies

46) Iago hated – Cassio

47) Artful Iago saw Cassio and Desdemona talking and said in a low voice that he – did not like their behavior

48) Iago’s comment on Desdemona and Cassio’s made Othello – suspicious 

49) Who was Iago’s wife – Emilia

50) Iago was artful and had studied – human mind deeply

51) Iago allured Cassio to – drink freely

52) Iago begged Othello to observe Desdemona’s behavior well when she was – with Cassio

53) According to Iago, the most intolerable torment of man is the pains of – jealousy

54) Being drunk, Cassio got involved in a scuffle with – Montano

55) As a result of Cassio’s negligence, he was – demoted

56) Cassio came to meet Desdemona – to implore her

57) How long did Iago advise Othello to put off reconcilement with Cassio – a little longer

58) The suspicion that Iago infused into Othello’s mind disturbed him – greatly

59) A soldier’s virtue is – pride and ambition

60) Who advised Cassio to meet Desdemona to mediate for him with her lord – Iago 

61) At the sight of what did Othello’s heart used to be roused – troops only

62) Desdemona promised Cassio – to help him to give back his post

63) Othello wanted to have a proof before blaming Desdemona as – dishonest

64) Othello became doubtful to his wife’s infidelity by the conspiracy of – Iago

65) Desdemona had not given any handkerchief to – Cassio Iago or any other person

66) Whose work was the handkerchief that Othello had given to Desdemona – charmer’s work

67) When Iago begged apology for having mold him, Othello was full of – anger

68) Emilia stole – the handkerchief of Desdemona

69) Desdemona proved to have iron determination by – marrying Othello

70) Othello lost his sweet rest because – he was jealous of Cassio 

71) The thing that broke Othello’s heart was – Desdemona’s infidelity

72) Othello told Desdemona weeping that he could have borne – poverty, disgrace and disease

73) Desdemona asked her attendant – to make her bed

74) The entire plot of conspiracy was created alone by – Iago

75) Desdemona’s attendant laid on her bed – the usual bed-sheet

76) When Desdemona was awakened with Othello’s entrance – she saw him gnaw his underlap and roll his eyes

77) Desdemona was awakened by – the kisses of Othello

78) The strawberry spotted handkerchief of Desdemona was first given to Othello’s mother by a/an – Egyptian woman

79) While kissing Desdemona, Othello shed tears of – cruelty

80) When Othello saw Desdemona asleep, he thought he would not – shed her blood or rear her white skin

81) Why did Iago kill the man whom he set on Cassio failed to kill him – to prevent discovery of his guilt

82) Othello stifled Desdemona to death white she was – trying to clear herself of blame

83) Othello bade Desdemona – prepare for death and say her prayer

84) Othello suspected Desdemona of having affair with – Cassio

85) The evidenced that proved Desdemona’s innocence was some letters in the pocket of – the assassin

86) Othello killed Desdemona by – stifling by covering her up in the bed clothes

87) Othello lay dead – upon his dead wife

88) The discovery of his own mistake and the innocence of Desdemona and Cassio made Othello’s life – painful, insupportable and purposeless

89) Why did Othello commit suicide – for killing his innocent wife

90) What were remembered when Othello died – merits and valiant acts were remembered 

একাদশ শ্রেণি ইংরাজি সেমিস্টার ১ ও ২ এর সমস্ত আলোচনাগুলি দেখতে এই লিঙ্কে ক্লিক/টাচ করতে হবে


একাদশ শ্রেণি বাংলা প্রথম সেমিস্টারের MCQ প্রশ্নের উত্তর দেখতে নিম্নের ছবিতে ক্লিক/টাচ করতে হবে


একাদশ শ্রেণি ইংরাজি প্রথম সেমিস্টারের MCQ প্রশ্নের উত্তর দেখতে নিম্নের ছবিতে ক্লিক/টাচ করতে হবে 


একাদশ শ্রেণি রাষ্ট্রবিজ্ঞান প্রথম সেমিস্টারের MCQ প্রশ্নের উত্তর দেখতে নিম্নের ছবিতে ক্লিক/টাচ করতে হবে 


একাদশ শ্রেণি শিক্ষাবিজ্ঞান প্রথম সেমিস্টারের MCQ প্রশ্নের উত্তর দেখতে নিম্নের ছবিতে ক্লিক/টাচ করতে হবে 


একাদশ শ্রেণি ইতিহাস প্রথম সেমিস্টারের MCQ প্রশ্নের উত্তর দেখতে নিম্নের ছবিতে ক্লিক/টাচ করতে হবে


একাদশ শ্রেণি ভূগোল প্রথম সেমিস্টারের MCQ প্রশ্নের উত্তর দেখতে নিম্নের ছবিতে ক্লিক/টাচ করতে হবে


একাদশ ও দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির সব বিষয়ের সিলেবাস ও নম্বর বিভাজন দেখতে এই লিঙ্কে ক্লিক/টাচ করতে হবে 

শিক্ষালয় ওয়েবসাইটের কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ লিঙ্ক নিম্নে প্রদান করা হলোঃ

শিক্ষালয় ওয়েবসাইটের সকল প্রকার নোট, সাজেশন, প্রশ্নপত্র ও মক টেষ্টের সুবিধা গ্রহণ করতে নিম্নের ছবিতে ক্লিক/টাচ করে বিষদ তথ্য জেনে নাওঃ 

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