একাদশ শ্রেণির পদার্থবিদ্যা সিলেবাস

একাদশ শ্রেণির পদার্থবিদ্যা সিলেবাস

প্রকাশিত হলো একাদশ শ্রেণি নতুন সিলেবাস ।। Class Eleven New Syllabus। ২০২৫-২০২৬ সালে উচ্চমাধ্যমিক দিতে চলা ২০২৪ সালের মাধ্যমিক পাশ শিক্ষার্থীরা যারা এবারে একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্ত্তি হতে চলেছে তাদের পরীক্ষা পদ্ধতি ও সিলেবাসের পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে। এখন থেকে একাদশ শ্রেণিতে দুটি এবং দ্বাদশ শ্রেণিতে দুটি সেমিষ্টার পরীক্ষা শিক্ষার্থীদের প্রদান করতে হবে। সেমিষ্টার ১ ও ২ হবে একাদশ শ্রেণিতে এবং সেমিষ্টার ৩ ও ৪ হবে দ্বাদশ শ্রেণিতে। প্রথম ও তৃতীয় সেমিষ্টার দুটি হবে MCQ প্রশ্নের উপরে এবং দ্বিতীয় ও চতুর্থ সেমিষ্টার দুটি হবে বড়ো প্রশ্নের সমন্বয়ে।

শিক্ষালয় ওয়েবসাইটের সকল প্রকার আপডেট লাভ করতে মোবাইল স্ক্রিনের বা’দিকের নিম্নের অংশে থাকা বেল আইকনটিতে (🔔) টাচ করে শিক্ষালয় ওয়েবসাইটের নোটিফিকেশন অন করে রাখুন।

একাদশ শ্রেণির পদার্থবিদ্যা সিলেবাসঃ

পদার্থবিদ্যা (Physics – PHYS)

সেমিস্টার – I

পূর্ণমান – 35

থিয়োরি  প্র্যাকটিক্যাল  প্রশ্নের ধরণ 
35 0 MCQ

সেমিস্টার – I : একাদশ শ্রেণির পদার্থবিদ্যা (থিয়োরি) প্রশ্ন বিন্যাস 2024-2025 (WBCHSE 11 Physics Question Pattern 2024-2025)

অধ্যায়_Unit_Name MCQ
ভৌতজগৎ এবং পরিমাপ
ভৌত রাশির পরিমাপ ও মাত্রা
1 × 3 = 3 3
একমাত্রিক গতি
1 × 12 = 12 12
গতীয় সূত্রাবলী
নিউটনের গতিসূত্র
বৃত্তীয় গতি
1 × 8 = 8 8
কার্য, ক্ষমতা ও শক্তি 1 × 5 = 5 5
কণাসংস্থা ও দৃঢ় বস্তুর গতি
দৃঢ় বস্তুর ঘূর্ণন
1 × 7 = 7 7
Total 35 35

সেমিস্টার – I : একাদশ শ্রেণির পদার্থবিদ্যা (থিয়োরি) সিলেবাস 2024-2025 (WBCHSE 11 Physics Syllabus 2024-2025)

  • Unit-1 : Physical World and Measurement (03 Marks, 06 Hours) :
    • Physics – scope and excitement, nature of physical Law, physics technology and society.
    • Need for measurement, units of measurement, length, mass and time measurement, accuracy and precision of measuring instruments, error in measurement, rounding off and order of magnitude, significant figures.
    • Dimensions of physical quantities, dimensional analysis and its applications.
  • Unit-2 : Kinematics (12 Marks, 24 Hours) :
    • Motion in a One Dimension and Two Dimension :
      • Frame of reference (inertial and non-inertial frames).Motion in a straight line, position – time graph, speed and velocity.
      • Elementary concepts of differentiation and integration for describing motion. Uniformly accelerated motion. Graphical analysis: position – time and velocity – time graph and calculation of relevant quantities Relations for uniformly accelerated motion (using graphical and calculus method).
    • Motion in a Plane :
      • Scalar and vector quantities, position and displacement vectors, general vectors and their notations, equality of vectors, multiplication of vectors by a real number, addition and subtraction of vectors. Relative velocity. Unit vector, resolution of a vector in a plane – rectangular and non – rectangular components.
      • Scalar and vector product. Motion in a plane. Cases of uniform velocity and uniform acceleration – projectile motion.
  • Unit-3 : Laws of Motion (08 Marks, 16 Hours) :
    • Intuitive concept of force.
    • Inertia, Newton’s first law of motion. Momentum and Newton’s second law of motion, impulse and concept of impulsive force,Newton’s third law of motion and its examples. 
    • Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum and its application, concept of free body diagram and its application (simple cases). Equilibrium of concurrent forces. Static and kinetic friction, laws of friction, ideas of coefficient of friction, angle of friction and angle of repose. Rolling friction.
    • Dynamics of uniform circular motion, centripetal force, and example of circular motion (motion of a cyclist, vehicle on level circular road, vehicle on bank road).
    • Concept of centrifugal force.
  • Unit-4 : Work ,Energy and Power (05 Marks, 10 Hours) :
    • Work done by a constant force and variable force, kinetic energy. 
    • Work – energy theorem, power. Notion of potential energy, potential energy of a spring, conservative forces, conservation of mechanical energy (kinetic and potential energies).
    • Non-conservative forces.
    • Motion in a vertical circle.
    • Elastic and inelastic collisions in one and two dimensions.
  • Unit-5 : Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body (07 Marks, 14 Hours) :
    • Centre of mass of a two – particle system. Momentum conservation and motion of centre of mass.
    • Centre of mass of a rigid body (examples of simple geometrical bodies).
    • Moment of a force, torque, angular momentum, conservation of angular momentum with examples.
    • Equilibrium of rigid bodies, rigid body rotation and equations of rotational motion, comparison of linear and rotational motion, moment of inertia, radius of gyration.
    • Values of moment of inertia for simple geometrical objects (no derivation).
    • Statement of parallel and perpendicular axis theorem and their applications.

সেমিস্টার – II

পূর্ণমান – 65

থিয়োরি  প্র্যাকটিক্যাল  প্রশ্নের ধরণ 
35 30 SAQ & LAQ

সেমিস্টার – II : একাদশ শ্রেণির পদার্থবিদ্যা (থিয়োরি) প্রশ্ন বিন্যাস 2024-2025 (WBCHSE 11 Physics Question Pattern 2024-2025)

অধ্যায়_Unit_Name SAQ
মহাকর্ষ 2 × 1 = 2 3 × 1 = 3 ** 5
আয়তনবিশিষ্ট বস্তুর ধর্মাবলি (স্থিতিস্থাপকতা; উদ্‌স্থিতিবিদ্যা ও বায়ুমন্ডলীয় চাপ; সান্দ্রতা ও পৃষ্ঠটান; থার্মোমিতি; কঠিন ও তরল পদার্থের প্রসারণ; গ্যাসের প্রসারণ; ক্যালোরিমিতি; অবস্থার পরিবর্তন) 2 × 1 = 2 3 × 1 = 3 5 × 1 = 5 10
তাপগতিবিদ্যা 2 × 1 = 2 3 × 1 = 3 ** 5
আদর্শ গ্যাসের আচরণ ও গতীয় তত্ত্ব 2 × 1 = 2 3 × 1 = 3 ** 5
কম্পন ও তরঙ্গ (সরল দোলগতি; কম্পনের প্রকৃতি; তরঙ্গগতি; শব্দ তরঙ্গের উপরিপাত; শব্দের ডপলার ক্রিয়া) 2 × 1 = 2 3 × 1 = 3 5 × 1 = 5 10
Total 10 15 10 35

সেমিস্টার – II : একাদশ শ্রেণির পদার্থবিদ্যা (থিয়োরি) সিলেবাস 2024-2025 (WBCHSE 11 Physics Syllabus 2024-2025)

  • Unit-6 : Gravitation (05 Marks, 09 Hours) :
    • The universal law of gravitation. Acceleration due to gravity and its variation with altitude, depth and rotation of earth.
    • Kepler’s laws of planetary motion. Gravitational potential energy, Gravitational potential.
    • Escape velocity,
    • Orbital velocity of a satellite. Geostationary satellite.
  • Unit-2 : Properties of Bulk Matter (10 Marks, 17 Hours) :
    • Mechanical Properties of Solids :
      • Elastic behavior, stress – strain relationship. Hooke’s law, Young’s modulus( Y), bulk modulus(K), shear modulus of rigidity( η), Poisson’s ratio(σ), relation between Y, K, η,σ (no derivation). Elastic energy for stretched string and extended spring.
    • Mechanical Properties of Fluids :
      • Streamline and turbulent flow, Critical velocity.
      • Viscosity, Newton’s law of viscosity, Stoke’s law, terminal velocity, Reynolds’ number. Bernoulli’s theorem and its applications. Surface energy and surface tension, angle of contact, excess of pressure, application of surface tension, ideas to drops, bubbles. Capillary rise and fall (no derivation, only analytical treatment).
    • Thermal Properties of Matter :
      • Heat, temperature, thermal expansion of solids, liquids and gases. Anomalous expansion of water and its effects.
      • Specific heat capacity, principle of calorimetry, change of state, latent heat capacity.
      • Heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation, black body radiation, Kirchhoff’s law, absorptive and emissive powers, thermal conductivity.
      • Newton’s law of cooling, Wien’s displacement law, Stefan’s law and Boltzmann’s correction.
  • Unit-8 : Thermodynamics (05 Marks, 09 Hours) :
    • Thermal equilibrium and definition of temperature, Zeroth law of thermodynamics.
    • Heat, work and internal energy, First law of thermodynamics, CP and CV and determination of their relation.
    • Isothermal and Adiabatic processes. P-V diagram, calculation of external work done in different cases.
    • Second law of thermodynamics, reversible and irreversible processes. Heat engine, Calculation of efficiency of Carnot engine only, efficiency of refrigerator (only qualitative idea).
  • Unit-9 : Kinetic Theory of Gases (05 Marks, 08 Hours) :
    • Assumptions for the kinetic theory of gases, RMS speed of gas molecules, degrees of freedom.
    • Concept of pressure, kinetic energy and temperature in the light of kinetic theory, ideas of gas laws in the light of kinetic theory of gases.
    • Law of equipartition of energy (statement only) and application regarding specific heats of the gases. Concept of mean free path, Avogadro’s number.
  • Unit-10 : Oscillation and Waves (10 Marks, 17 Hours) :
    • Oscillation :
      • Periodic motion-period, frequency, displacement as a function of time, Periodic functions.
      • Simple harmonic motion (S.H.M) and its equation, phase, oscillation of a spring – restoring force and force constant, combination of springs, energy in S.H.M – kinetic and potential energies.
      • Simple pendulum, loaded spring – derivation of expression for time period.
      • Free, damped and forced oscillations, resonance (qualitative ideas only).
    • Waves :
      • Wave Motion: longitudinal and transverse waves, speed of traveling wave motion.
      • Velocity of sound in gaseous medium – Newton’s law and Laplace’s correction.
      • Displacement relation for a progressive wave.
      • Principle of superposition of waves.
      • Formation of Stationary waves, reflection of waves in string and organ 
      • pipes: fundamental mode and harmonics.
      • Formation of beats.
      • Doppler effect of sound.

সেমিস্টার – II : ব্যবহারিক (Practical) সিলেবাস 


Given below is a list of required experiments.

In each experiment students are expected to record their observations in tabular form with unit at the column head.

Students should plot an appropriate graph where required, work out the necessary calculation and arrive at the result.

SECTION: A (8 Marks)

No. of Expt. Topics
1 To measure diameter of a small spherical / diameter and length of a cylindrical body using slide calipers, hence calculate its volume with proper formula
2 To measure the internal diameter and depth of a beaker using slide calipers and hence find its volume.
3 To measure diameter of a given thin wire using screw gauge
4 To determine the volume of an irregular but uniform thickness lamina using screw gauge and graph paper.
5 To determine the radius of curvature of a given spherical surface by a spherometer.
6 Consider equilibrium of three concurrent coplanar forces. To verify the parallelogram Law of forces and to determine weight of a body.
7 To study the force of limiting friction for a wooden block placed on a horizontal plane surface and to study its relationship with normal reaction. To determine the coefficient of friction.
8 To study the downward force acting along the inclined plane on a roller due to gravitational pull of earth and to study its relationship with angle of inclination (θ) by plotting graph between force and sinθ

SECTION: B (8 Marks)

No. of Expt. Topics
1 To study the acceleration due to gravity by measuring variation in time period (T) with effective length (L) of a simple pendulum, plot graphs of L – T and L – T2. Determine the effective length of the second pendulum from L – T2 graph.
2 To study the force constant of a spring and to study variation in time period of oscillation with mass (m) of a body suspended by a spring. To find the spring constant by plotting a graph of m – T2
3 To study the force constant of a helical spring by plotting a graph between load and extension.
4 To study the variation in volume with pressure for a sample of air at constant temperature by plotting graphs between P – (1 / V) and between P – V
5 To study the fall in temperature of a body (like hot water) with time, by plotting a cooling curve.
6 To study the surface tension of water by capillary rise method.
7 To study the coefficient of viscosity of a given viscous liquid by measuring the terminal velocity of a given spherical body.
8 To study the speed of sound of in air at room temperature using resonance column apparatus by two resonance positions.
9 To study the frequency of a tuning fork using resonance column apparatus is by two resonance positions, where the data of the speed of sound in air medium at room temperature will be supplied.
.10 To study the relationship between frequency and length of a given wire under constant tension using sonometer

The students have to do one practical each from section A and section B in the examination

Practical Marks Scheme for Experiments

No. 1 (Section-A) No. 2 (Section-B)
Theory – 2
Record – 5
Result – 1
Theory – 2
Record – 5
Result – 1


All candidates will be required to do one project involving physics related topic/topics of their theory syllabus under the guidance of the Physics teacher.

Candidate should take under any one of the following types of projects:

  • 1) Theoretical project
  • 2) Working model

Candidates are to prepare a technical report formally written including title, abstract, some theoretical discussion, experiment set up, observations with tables of data collected, graph / chart ( if any), analysis and discussion of result, deduction, conclusion etc. The report should be kept simple but neat and elegant.

No extra credit shall be given for typewritten material or decorative cover etc.

Suggested heading of project file for theory based project

Title of the project
Analysis / material aid (graph, Data, Structure, diagram etc)
Conclusions / comments

Suggested heading of project file for model based projects

Title of the project
Model construction
Principle used, concise project report
Conclusion / comments


Teachers are required to access the students on the basis of Physics practical file maintained by them during the academic year. Generally students are not expected to write the procedure of the experiments. The students will write the working formula, draw the figure or circuit diagram, collection of data in proper tabular form, results and few ideas of precautions associated with the experiments.


একাদশ শ্রেণি বাংলা পড়া ও নোট দেখতে নিম্নের ছবিতে ক্লিক/টাচ করতে হবে


একাদশ ও দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির সব বিষয়ের সিলেবাস ও নম্বর বিভাজন দেখতে এই লিঙ্কে ক্লিক/টাচ করতে হবে 

শিক্ষালয় ওয়েবসাইটের কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ লিঙ্ক নিম্নে প্রদান করা হলোঃ

শিক্ষালয় ওয়েবসাইটের সকল প্রকার নোট, সাজেশন, প্রশ্নপত্র ও মক টেষ্টের সুবিধা গ্রহণ করতে নিম্নের ছবিতে ক্লিক/টাচ করে বিষদ তথ্য জেনে নাওঃ 

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